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   Take Action and Contact your Legislators
Nurse Scope of Practice Expansion
Recently introduced Senate Bill 680 will allow for full independent practice for nurse practitioners (NPs). Under the bill, not only would NPs be allowed to provide direct care without physician supervision or collaboration, they would also be allowed to prescribe opioids and other controlled substances. Further, the bill wouldn’t even require additional training or education for NPs.
✖ Vote NO on SB 680 write-a-letter?47&engagementId=513075
Prior Authorization – Health Can’t Wait
Senate Bill 247 introduces much-needed transpar- ency, fairness, and clinical validity to the process, ensuring Michigan patients are able to access the care they need when they need it.
Protect MI Patients from Expanded Mental Health Professional Definition
Senate Bill 191 will expand the definition of a “mental health professional” to include physician assistants, certified nurse practitioners, and clinical nurses specialist-certified, and would allow them to diagnose patients and make decisions regarding hospitalization, seclusion, and restraint. With no stated requirements for training or experience, Senate Bill 191 puts patient safety directly at risk.
✖ Vote NO on SB 191 write-a-letter?28&engagementId=512145
Ensure Safe Drinking Water in Michigan Schools
Senate Bills 184 and 185 will require schools to install filtered drinking water stations that meet NSF standard 53 for lead reduction. By bypassing the current slow and costly “test and tell” method and simply installing filtered drinking water stations, children are better-protected sooner and in a more cost-effective manner.
✔ Vote YES on SBs 184-185
Support Physicians Fight Against COVID-19
House Bill 4471 will prohibit employers, including hospitals and health systems, from mandating vac- cines or masks in the workplace. The prohibition would include the COVID-19, influenza, and Tdap vaccines – completely undermining evidence-based medicine.
✖ Vote NO on HB 4471 write-a-letter?34&engagementId=512902
Auto No-Fault
House Bill 4485 and Senate Bill 314 will enable the continued care of auto accident survivors by adjusting brain injury rehabilitation, home care and other therapy services to align with the fee schedule reim- bursement cap of 200% of the Medicare reimburse- ment rate, which will keep quality providers viable and protect access to care.
✔ Vote YES on HB 4486 and SB 314 onestep-write-a-letter?21&engagementId=511935
    ✔ Vote YES on SB 247 write-a-letter?13&engagementId=512317
Protect MI Patients from Out-of-State Physicians
House Bill 4355 will allow out-of-state doctors to treat Michigan patients via telemedicine without a Michigan license or oversight requirements. If this bill becomes law in its current form, large companies could force many of our practices out of business; ultimately, reducing quality of care for our patients and placing Michigan’s health care market at a com- petitive disadvantage.
✖ Vote NO on HB 4355 onestep-write-a-letter?25&engagementId=511569

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