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  Telehealth Reimbursement
and Coverage Parity for Telehealth Services
To ensure continuity of care and minimize the spread of COVID-19, physicians quickly adopted telehealth during the pandemic. Payers also temporarily removed some of the regulatory and administrative barriers that were limiting telehealth use and payment of telehealth services, including payment at in-person rates during the public health crisis; however, pay- ments are now reverting to pre-pandemic rates.
Current Status
A model bill has been drafted requiring insurers to cover and reimburse telehealth services the same rate as if the services were provided in-person. The bill is expected to be introduced in the House late summer or early fall.
House Bill 4355 would allow out-of-state doctors to treat Michigan patients via telemedicine without a Michigan license or oversight requirements under certain conditions.
Current Status
House Bill 4355 narrowly passed the House on March 24, 2021, and is now under consideration by the Senate Health Policy & Human Services Committee. A hearing has not been scheduled at this time.
House Bill 4471 would create the Informed Consent in the Workplace Act, which would “prohibit discrimina- tion against an employee or volunteer who declines or has not received certain vaccinations, including for COVID-19. An employer also could not require the employee or volunteer to wear a mask in the work- place or disclose to the public that the employee or volunteer has declined or not received a vaccination.” The bill also would prohibit employers from requiring vaccinations against the flu, tetanus, diphtheria or pertussis, and employees could sue and collect damages against an employer who violates this proposed law.
Current Status
The House Workforce, Trades, and Talent Committee recently held a hearing on House Bill 4471 in which we submitted a card of opposition to the bill. There were several other organizations that also opposed the bill.
Oakland County Medical Society
Annual Membership Meeting – Virtual
Thursday, October 14, 2020
Join us in the installation of new board member Dr. David Lee and our new president, Dr. Jason Schairer.
  Guest Speaker: Dr. Paul DeChant
Dr. Paul DeChant, MD, MBA is an experienced physician executive, leadership coach, and expert on physi- cian burnout with a proven approach to identify, treat, and prevent burnout in yourself and your organization.

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