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        ate Release
For Immediate Release
Say Yes! COVID Test Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Offers Free, Rapid COVID-19 Tests to Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Residents to Reduce COVID-19 Spread
VID Test Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Offers Free, Rapid COVID-19 Tests to Ann Ar Residents can order at-home COVID-19 test kits while supplies last at
Ypsilanti Residents to Reduce COVID-19 Spread YPSILANTI, Mich., June 7, 2021 – The Say Yes! COVID Test At-Home Testing Challenge provides
nts can order at-home COVID-19 test kits while supplies last at CovidTestAAYpsi.
households with access to free, rapid COVID-19 test kits and is now available in Washtenaw County.
Say Yes! COVID Test encourages unvaccinated residents to use the tests twice a week, regardless of
symptoms, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep the community healthy. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
ich., June 7, 2021 – The Say Yes! COVID Test At-Home Testing Challenge provid
residents can order testing kits online at for home delivery. Test kits will also be
available for pick up from the Washtenaw County Health Department and at Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
with access to free, rapid COVID-19 test kits and is now available in Washtenaw
community vaccination locations.
ID Test encourages unvaccinated residents to use the tests twice a week, regar
The Say Yes! COVID Test At-Home Testing Challenge is recommended for unvaccinated individuals 8 years and up. Choose up to two members of your household to take part and test them two times
o reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep the community healthy. Ann Arbor an
a week for a month or until all tests are used. Individuals with the highest risk of exposure to the CO-
idents can order testing kits online at for home delivery. Test VID-19 are the best choice.
 vailable for pick up from the Washtenaw County Health Department and at Ann
“Children, adolescents, and adults who are not yet fully vaccinated need more accessible tests to inform their choices. Free, rapid, self-administered testing will give community members one more way to help
i community vaccination locations.
reduce the spread of COVID-19,” said Juan Luis Marquez, MD, MPH, medical director with the Washt-
enaw County Health Department. “Anyone can just swab the front of their nose and perform this test in COVIDtheTperivsatcyAotf-HtheoirmhoemeTeansdthinavge rCeshualtsllweinthgine10ismirneutceso.”mmended for unvaccinated indivi
. ChooThseSuaypYetso! CtwOVoIDmTeestminibtiaetirvse ios af cyouperrahtioveuesffeorht forolmdtthoe NtatikoenalpInasrtitutaesnodf Hteasltth t(NhIeH)m, two ti
 onth or until all tests are used. Individuals with the highest risk of exposure to th
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), community partners, test manufacturer Quidel,
and healthcare technology company CareEvolution. State and local health departments help connect e the bthesintiticathivoe community members. Researchers at NIH-supported academic health centers will
work with CDC and NIH to use publicly available data to determine if the local testing efforts slowed the
spread of COVID-19.
olescents, and adults who are not yet fully vaccinated need more accessible tes
Rapid, self-administered testing has potential to disrupt the spread of COVID-19 that occurs when
choices. Free, rapid, self-administered testing will give community members one
people are infected, but don’t yet have symptoms. Testing twice a week offers the best chance of iden- tifying COVID-19 infection and isolating early. The COVID-19 tests are authorized for use by the FDA,
educe the spread of COVID-19,” said Juan Luis Marquez, MD, MPH, medical dire
provided free of charge, and the entire testing process can be managed privately at home. Tests require htenaw County Health Department. “Anyone can just swab the front of their nos
 a quick swab inside each nostril, and results can be read in just 10 minutes. A free, private, and easy-to- use mobile application is available to help individuals in every step of test taking. The maker of the tests,
test in the privacy of their home and have results within 10 minutes.”
Quidel, is the same company that made the first rapid flu tests used by doctors’ offices in the United States.
COVID Test initiative is a cooperative effort from the National Institutes of Healt for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), community partners, test manufacture
ealthcare technology company CareEvolution. State and local health departmen
28 Washtenaw County Medical Society BULLETIN APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2021 initiative to local community members. Researchers at NIH-supported academic
  ork with CDC and NIH to use publicly available data to determine if the local tes
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