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2021 MSMS Legislative Action Agenda
These specific items align with MSMS's legislative priorities. The majority of our resources and efforts will be dedicated to the following action items:
Advocate for legislation to reform prior authorization and step therapy, including efforts that promote transparency, clinically appropriate decision-making, and timely processing of requests.
Advocate for payment and service parity for the use of telemedicine.
Advance health equity by advocating for policy changes necessary to support public health, address structural determinants of health, and reduce health inequities.
Advocate for expanded access to evidence-based, non-opioid therapies and evidence-based treatment for opioid addiction.
Pursue legislation that makes maintenance of certification voluntary.
Advocate for state funding for innovative health care workforce initiatives, like MIDOCs, which seek to place high need specialties in underserved areas of the state.
Advocate for appropriate utilization review standards and criteria under Michigan’s new auto no-fault law.
Proactively promote physician-led, team-based care legislative and regulatory efforts, including holistic approaches to scope of practice and licensure that meaningfully address to care.
Oppose unfunded mandates that could—through additional financial or administrative hurdles— undermine physicians' ability to care for patients.
Strategies for Accomplishing Action Agenda
Work closely with county medical societies, physician specialty societies, stakeholder groups and other partners to promote legislative agenda.
Continue grassroots efforts on prior authorization and step therapy reform with the Health Can’t Wait Coalition.
Facilitate physician lobbyist meetings.
Facilitate physician engagement with new lawmakers in 2021.
Meet regularly with lawmakers and staff to foster relationships, particularly leadership and health policy committees.
Prioritize grassroots engagement, including:
• Lansing Lobby Days
• Doctor of the Day
• Very Influential Physician (VIP) Advocate Program • In-district "Coffee Hour" lobby day
Align MDPAC fundraising strategy with MSMS legislative agenda.
Promote member usage of Engage website, including Action Center.
Deploy targeted and meaningful Action Alerts to engage physician members on issues.
Provide regular legislative updates to membership and county medical societies.

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