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       Resolutions Submitted by University of Michigan Medical Students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Title: Universal K-12 Mental Health Screenings in Michigan Public Schools
Authored by: Kumaran Arivoli, Brianna Kupe- rus, and Neil Vaishampayan
Whereas, the first onset of the majority of mental dis- orders occurs during childhood and adolescence, with half of all lifetime mental disorders starting by the age of 14 [1, 2, and 9]; and
Whereas, an early age of onset of mental disorders has been associated with worse clinical and functional outcomes, as well as a longer duration of untreated ill- ness, and this longer duration of untreated illness also leads to lower treatment response [2,16]; and
Whereas, the prevalence of mental illness is signifi- cant in younger populations, with a national sample
of children ages 8-15 showing that 13.1% met DSM-IV criteria for at least one mental health disorder in the last 12 months [3]; and
Whereas, this significant prevalence of mental health disorders among the youth has steadily increased over the years, with studies showing a 47% increase in mental health presentations at pediatric emergency depart- ments from the years 2002-2012 [4]; and
Whereas, suicide continues to be the second leading cause of death among adolescents age 15-19, and the rate of suicide, and more specifically, adolesent suicide has risen steadily in the United States, [5-7]; and
Whereas, the current COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated mental illness within the youth population, with a 24% increase for children aged 5-11 and a 31% increase for adolescents aged 12-17 in mental health- related emergency department visits between March of 2020 and October of 2020 [8]; and
Whereas, early intervention in youth mental illness has been shown to improve symptoms, decrease hospi- tal admissions and readmissions, and increase patient satisfaction, and early intervention specifically with depression is considered to be a preferred model of care [10-13]; and
Whereas, the cost benefits of early mental health intervention proves to be significant, with every $1 spent on early treatment and prevention programs resulting in $2-$10 savings in healthcare costs, criminal justice costs, and lost productivity costs [14,15]; and
Whereas, mental health screening and initial diagno- sis is an important first step in the prevention and early intervention of mental illness [17,19,20]; and
Whereas, previous multitiered systematic screening programs in schools have been shown to be completed at high rates, universal mental health screening pro- grams have shown a significant increase in identifying and referring youth with mental disorders to school and community-based mental health services they other- wise may not have been connected with [18,21, 22]; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Our Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS) will advocate for the implementation of voluntary universal K-12 mental health screening within all Michigan Public Schools that will serve to effectively identify and refer youth to needed mental health services, and be it further
RESOLVED, Our MSMS will advocate for evidence- based, age appropriate screening tools that can
be administered to all public school students on a voluntary basis annually.
Date Received: 01/21/2022
- 345.977 Improving Pediatric Mental Health Screening (AMA)
- 345.003 Improving Pediatric Mental Health Screening (MSMS)
[1]Kessler RC, Amminger GP, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Lee S, Ustün TB. Age of onset of mental disorders: A review of recent literature. Current opinion in psychiatry. July 2007.
[2]Girolamo Gde, Dagani J, Purcell R, Cocchi A, McGorry PD. Age of onset of mental disorders and use of mental health services: Needs, opportunities and obstacles: Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. Cambridge Core. December 13, 2011.
[3]Merikangas KR, He J-P, Brody D, Fisher PW, Bourdon K, Koretz DS. Prevalence and treatment of mental disorders among US children in the 2001-2004 NHANES. Pediatrics. January 2010.
[4]Q; MEBTD. Trends in pediatric emergency department utilization for mental health-related visits. The Journal of pediatrics. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/26256019/. June 2011.
[5]Wonder search. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. st?stage=search&action=Search&S__search1=vaccine.
12 Washtenaw County Medical Society BULLETIN SPRING 2022

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