Page 45 - Volume 14 Number 4
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  Figure 2: An example for the Garmin Perspective Plus VNAV with Off Set func- tion. Gil developed a series of icons that represent the controls and actions of the Perspective Plus.
Gil: This approach works for me,
recognizing that I am very fortunate to
have a friend who is a CSIP right on my
field, making it very easy. Having said
that, if I didn’t, I would use the same
approach and just travel or have the CSIP
come to me to accomplish the same
thing. Last year I had 26 hours of flight
training spread across the year. Because
I have no travel or away overnight meal
or accommodation expense, this turns
out to be a very cost-effective approach.
I would also make the point that I do not
advocate that this be the only recurrent
training. Periodic training and ground
school opportunities such as COPA
CPPP and one-day ground schools or formation flying clinics are also great tools for increasing the competency envelope. I don’t think you can do too much training. It starts with a commitment to be as competent as you can. I look at our recurrent training syllabus as the back bone of my strategy for staying current and as proficient as I’m capable of. Another advantage for me is that by having specific goals and a plan we get more actual training done during every hour in the air.
Brian: I think there are advantages for both the pilot and the instructor with this strategy. The pilot does not have to feel obligated to compress all the training into one
Volume 14, Number 4
Figure 3: One side of the two laminated memory aids pages that Gil developed, which consist of 18 separate sections of the actions for Perspective Plus, and emergency and CAPS procedures.
 Figure 4: The second side of the two laminated memory aids pages created by Gil.
day or one session. Each follow-up session builds on the last one and the entire process can be paced to the pilot’s individual needs and schedule. Too many times I end a training session realizing there are a lot of areas left uncovered or unexplored saying to myself “if we only had more time.” This approach eliminates that issue and allows a slower paced approach not tied to an immediate deadline to finish all the work.
It takes a dedicated pilot to believe in the notion of recurrent training. Many do not recognize this value, thinking a one-time session is enough to cover all the aspects of maintaining pilot proficiency. Recurrent training is the only
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