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  CRNA Scope of Practice Expansion: Here's what happened
In February, dangerous legislation was introduced in the Michigan legislature that would have significantly expanded the scope of practice for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), allowing them to provide anesthesia care without supervision, input, or collaboration with a physician. Since that time, the Michigan State Medical Society and Wayne County Medical Society of Southeast Michigan, along with the Michigan Society of Anesthesiologists, connected thousands of physicians with their elected officials through meetings, phone calls, letters, and emails to inform lawmakers of the dangers of passing that bill. Because of these advocacy efforts, MSMS, Wayne County Medical Society of Southeast Michigan, and MSA were able to protect you as a physician, your patients, and secure significant changes prior to being signed into law.
Your membership helps to ensure that our teams can effectively advocate for you while you take care of your patients. MSMS and Wayne County Medical Society of Southeast Michigan are here to protect you, your colleagues, your patients, and the practice of medicine.
Thanks to the societies’ efforts, CRNAs under the new law now must meet the following requirements to practice anesthesia care without supervision:
Have a minimum of 3 years or more of experience practicing in the specialty field of nurse anesthetist along with a minimum of 4,000 hours practicing in a health care facility or hold a Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia practice degree or Doctor of Nursing Practice degree;
Be collaboratively practicing in a patient-centered care team which must include a licensed physician that is immediately available in-person or through telemedicine to address any urgent or emergent clinical concerns.
In addition, the law prohibits CRNAs from practicing pain management in a freestanding pain clinic without the supervision of a physician.
These changes will help to ensure patient safety by requiring CRNA collaboration with a physician who is immediately available and will also ensure that CRNAs have the proper education and training.
  8 Detroit Medical News Third Quarter 2021

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